Dysarthria Standardized Assessments

Dysarthria is a speech disorder caused by muscle weakness, causing unintelligible speech. As speech therapists it is important to test for dysarthria to figure out if it is truly dysarthria of another problem. Here is a list of free dysarthria screeners/assessments. Please follow references at end of post to learn more information. Please follow links with discretion.

NEWCASTLE Dysarthria Assessment Tool (N-DAT)

NewCastle Dysarthria Assessment Tool is based on testing resonance, respiratory, phonation, prosody, articulation, alternating motion rate.

Robertson Dysarthria Profile

Robertson dysarthria Profile is a screening test based on 5 different tasks based on norms.


NewCastle Dysarthria Assessment Tool

NSW Adult Speech Pathology Acquired Communication Impairment EBP Group, Newcastle & Hunter Region (Nov 2015)

Robertson Dysarthria Profile

Pert, S 1995, An Evaluation of the Robertson Dysarthria Profile (Revised) with Reference to Cerebral Vascular Accident, Head Injury and Motor Neurone Disease Client Groups. Manchester Metropolitan University.